Let It Go: Releasing Spells

Out with the old, in with the new!

With the new calendar year fast approaching, many of us are thinking about letting go of the old and embracing the new adventures that await us.

I recently did a few posts on goals and manifesting those goals. But it is also good for us to let go of past pains and anything that is no longer beneficial to our personal growth. This doesn’t have to be done at a specific time of year. It can be done whenever you are ready to let that shit go!

Now, this isn’t about “forgive and forget.” I don’t believe in that.


For me, forgiveness isn’t about giving someone, anyone including myself, a pass. Forgiveness is about letting go of what happened and freeing up that energy for something more productive. It is about not letting the past rule your life. I believe that this form of forgiveness is what allows a victim to become a survivor.

And that is also why I don’t believe in “forget.” If you “forget” the past, you cannot learn and grow from it. The “forgive” allows you not to be held hostage by the past.

The hardest form of forgiveness is self-forgiveness. That is guilt that makes that so difficult. But one needs to remember, you cannot change the past. Learn from your mistakes, grow, and move on. It is something that takes practice and sometimes a lifetime to accomplish.

If forgiveness or self-forgiveness is difficult, then journal about it what it is you are trying to forgive. Journal about it prior to doing any releasing work, and journal about it afterwards, if necessary. Anything you need to do to get you to that place of healing. It is vital.

Also, in order to do releasing work, or any spell work, it is important to really visualize what you hope to accomplish. Visualization is key.


Methods for Releasing

The methods here utilize at least one of the elements of nature. I posted before about sacred spaces. Sacred space can be created through the use of the elements. Nature, itself, is able to maintain its own sacredness. When we create a sacred space, we are releasing the energies that do not fit in that space.

Releasing work allows you to create sacredness within yourself.

Using fire for releasing

This is likely the method most people think about when doing any releasing. It is simple.

Write what it is you wish to let go of on a piece of paper or a leaf. Bay leaves are good for this as they are used in healing and banishing works. Simply burn the paper or leaf in fire pit outside or in a cauldron/fire resistant container. Visualize the release as it burns.

Gather the ash and discard it. It can be buried or scattered into the wind.

Using water for releasing

 This is similar to the first method. Instead of burning the paper or leaf, you go to a flowing body of water (a lake or pond could work if necessary). Throw the paper or leaf into the water. Visualize whatever it is, floating away with the paper or leaf.

Using earth for releasing

Same deal, write it down and bury it, giving it to the Earth. I would personally bury it in a cemetery. That which I am releasing is gone or “dead”.

Using air for releasing

Again, releasing takes visualization. Just speak what you which to release. Give it to the wind. Or cup your hands together, speak it into your cupped hands, and throw it into the wind.


Yes, a spell doesn’t have to be super complicated to work.


But what if you are trying to let go of something very painful, something you are having great difficulty with?

Not long ago, I did this very ritual. I remembered how it helped me when my paternal grandmother passed away and when my aunt passed away.

I had a lot of hurt feelings dealing with my mother. She was an alcoholic. She told her children that she did love vodka more than us. That is painful, very painful. It ate away at me for years.

A few years after losing my mother, I lost my maternal grandmother. I had a lot of guilt around this one. I was distant during the last year of her life.

This involves a small piece of amethyst. Amethyst is good for taking in negative energies.

Essentially, you put all the feelings and negative energies of what you wish to release into that amethyst. You can either sit and meditate with the amethyst or carry it with you for a time. When you are ready, go to a body of water or a large field. Do a finally visualization with the amethyst, then throw the amethyst as far as you can. As you release the amethyst, you are releasing whatever it was with it.

If you lose the amethyst before that final step, guess what? It has been released! Amethyst will leave you when it has done what it is meant to do. That has happened to me.


Hopefully this will give you some ideas to aid you in whatever releasing work you wish to do. It has helped me tremendously in past, hope it can do the same for you.


Much love and blessings!

Catch me on instagram: @starlightsgifts